doorbell shape shifts

What was i thinking?

What was i doing?

As  I walked through the cold snow white ground to meet my friend that I hadn’t seen in years. I passed a rubbish bin and a man made wooden bench which I had to admit, I did sit down on. It was so cold that I jumped up in such fright. I finally reached the old rusty house, It had massive paint blobs all over the ground and there was even a band aid covering a hole. I walked over to press the door bell to the wrecked basement but no one answered. Next time I come i’m definitely going to bring a torch and explore this place.

The Zoo Trip

Pitch black I couldn’t see a thing, I had my blind fold on,  could hear a lot of animal noses. Have you ever experienced the flashy lights when you have closed your eyes for too long, Well that was happening to me my sisters i think were driving me to the zoo we hoped out of the car and i fell over they walked me into the zoo (i wanted there to be a giraffe) it was painful and very dusty my ears hurt because Ashley sang the whole way they walked me to a fence there was a dancing and prancing spotted pink…………………………………………………